How does color influence our political conversations?

Damon C. Roberts


Key findings from other chapters

(a) Red treatment

(b) Blue treatment

Figure 1: People associate red yard signs with Republicans and blue yard signs with Democrats

(a) Trial 2 Red treatment

(b) Trial 2 Blue treatment

(c) Trial 3 Red treatment

(d) Trial 3 Blue treatment

Figure 2: Mixing red and blue in a yard sign increases uncertainty about partisanship

(a) Red treatment

(b) Blue treatment

Figure 3: Republicans report a higher probability of voting for candidates with red yard signs; Democrats report a higher probability of voting for candidates with blue yard signs

Question guiding this chapter

  • Does color influence whether we talk about politics?

Building a theory of snap-judgment based on politically-relevant visual information

A common language

  • Valance: a positive or negative response to an object.
  • Affect (or affective state): feeling positive or negative in response to an object.
    • Pre-conscious response
  • Emotion: Much more complex labels assigned to affective responses.
    • Often requires some amount of conscious processing to assign an appropriate label.
    • Slower
  • Attitudes are an expression of valanced responses to some object (Fazio 2007).

A cognitive architecture

  1. Memories are stored prior experiences (Cunningham, Haas, and Jahn 2012).
  • often encode affective responses
  1. Memories are multi-dimensional (Kahana, Diamond, and Aka 2022).
  2. Sensory and affective information is often encoded in memories (Kensinger and Fields 2022).
  1. Memories are a complex network (Kahana, Diamond, and Aka 2022).
  • Interconnected by different bits of information
  1. Social groups and hierarchies are reflected in this network (Santavirta et al. 2023).

A snap-judgment model of politically-relevant visual information

%%{init: {'theme':'base', 'themeVariables':{'primaryColor':'#ffffff', 'primaryBorderColor': '#000000'}}}%%
graph TD
    A[Detection of politically-relevant visual information] --> B(Activation of retrieval mechanism)
    B --> C[Memory and contiguous paths hot]
    C --> D[Appraisal of hot autonomous nervous system]
    D --> E1[Negative Valence]
    D --> E2[Positive Valence]
    E1 --> F1[Disengagement motivation]
    E2 --> F2[Attention activated]
    F1 --> |Neg. new information| G1[Encoded as negative]
    F1 --> |Pos. new information| G2[Encoded as positive]
    F2 --> |Neg. new information| G3[Encoded as negative]
    F2 --> |Pos. new information| G4[Encoded as positive]
    G1 --> H1[Strengthens negative path]
    G2 --> H2[Weakens negative path]
    G3 --> H3[Weakens positive path]
    G4 --> H4[Strengthens positive path]
    G2 --> |forgotten| H1
    H2 --> |reinforced| G2
    H3 --> |reinforced| G3
    G3 --> |forgotten| H4
Figure 4: Snap-judgment model of politically-relevant visual information


  1. People notice the color of clothing a potential conversation partner is wearing.
  2. When primed to think about politics, people are less likely to want to have a conversation with someone wearing a blue shirt if they are a Republican and a red shirt if they are a Democrat.
  1. When learning more information about someone that fits with our initial impression, our motivation of engagement or disengagement is stronger than if the information were incongruent with our initial impressions.
  2. When learning more information about someone that does not fit with our initial impression, the new information can shift our motivations to have the conversation or to disengage. However, this difference is smaller than if both forms of information were congruent.

Proposed research design

Study 1

Table 1: \(2 \times 2\) factorial design
🚫 Prime, Red shirt Prime, Red shirt
🚫 Prime, Blue shirt Prime, Blue shirt
  • Prime condition: political attitudes questionnaire before treatment vs. after
  • Person wearing shirt might be White Female (but would like some feedback on this)

Study 2

Table 2: \(2 \times 2\) factorial design
Red shirt, 🚫 congruent Red shirt, congruent
Blue shirt, 🚫 congruent Blue shirt, congruent
  • Congruency is whether or not policy attitudes after image matches with presumed partisanship from color of shirt
    • Policy positions will be on: Support for Gun Control, whether pro-choice or pro-life, support for Universal Basic Income


  • \(H_1\): What color shirt was your political discussion partner wearing?
  • \(H_2\) & \(H_3\): To what extent are you willing to have a conversation with this person? (5-item response)


Cunningham, William A., Ingrid Johnsen Haas, and Andrew Jahn. 2012. “Attitudes.” In The Oxford Handbook of Social Neuroscience, edited by Jean Decety and John T. Cacioppo. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fazio, Russell H. 2007. “Attitudes as Object-Evaluation Associations of Varying Strength.” Social Cogition 25 (5): 603–37.
Kahana, Michael J., Nicholas B. Diamond, and Ada Aka. 2022. “Laws of Human Memory.” In Oxford Handbook of Human Memory, edited by Henry L. Roediger III and Okyu Uner. New York: Oxford University Press.\_Handbook\_of\_Human\_Memory.
Kensinger, Elizabeth A., and Eric Fields. 2022. “Affective Memory.” In Oxford Handbook of Human Memory, edited by Henry L. Roediger III and Okyu Uner. New York: Oxford University Press.\_Handbook\_of\_Human\_Memory.
Santavirta, Severi, Tomi Karjalainen, Sanaz Nazari-Farsani, Matthew Hudson, Vesa Putkinen, Kerttu Seppälä, Lihua Sun, et al. 2023. “Functional Organization of Social Perception Networks in the Human Brain.” NeuroImage 272: 1–16.


Sensitivity of conclusions to sample size, research design, and modeling strategies

\[ \begin{align} \text{Age} = uniform(18, 85) \\ \text{Gender} = bernoulli(0.5) \\ \text{Education} = normal(-0.1 * Age + 0.1 * gender + \\ 14 + normal(0, 1), 0.5) \\ \end{align} \]

\[ \begin{align} \text{Income} = normal(2 * age + 0.7 * gender + \\ 40000 + normal(0, 1), 200000) \\ \text{Conflict Avoidant (latent)} = normal(0.3 * gender + \\ 2.4 + normal(0, 1)) \\ \end{align} \]

\[ \begin{align} \text{Party identification (latent)} = normal(0.4 * age - \\ 0.6 * gender + 0.5 * income + normal(0, 1)) \\ \text{attention (latent)} = normal(0.5 * age - \\ 0.3 * gender + 0.1 * income + normal(0, 1)) \end{align} \]

\[ \begin{align} \text{treatment}_{prime} = bernoulli(0.5) \\ \text{treatment}_{blue} = bernoulli(0.5) \\ \end{align} \] \[ \begin{align} \text{notice} = bernoulli(1 * prime) \\ \text{willing (latent)} = normal(0.1 * treatment_{prime} + \\ 0.1 * treatment_{blue} + 0.1 * \text{party identification} + \\ 0.5 * treatment_{prime} * treatment_{blue} * \text{party identification} + \\ normal(0, 1)) \end{align} \]

Fitting the models on the simulated data

Model 1

\[ \begin{align} Pr(notice_i = 1) \sim logistic(\phi_i + \alpha) \\ \phi_i = \beta_1 * treatment_{prime_i} \\ \beta_1 \sim Normal(0, 1) \\ \alpha_i \sim student(0,3,2.5) \end{align} \]

Model 2

\[ \begin{align} Willing_i \sim CDF(logistic(\phi_i + \alpha)) \\ \phi_i = \beta_1 * treatment_{blue_i} + \beta_2 * treatment_{prime_i} + \\ \beta_3 * treatment_{blue_i} * treatment_{prime_i} + \\ \beta_4 * gender_i + \beta_5 * education_i + \\ \beta_6 * income_i + \beta_7 * conflict_i + \beta_8 * attention_i \\ \beta_j \sim Normal(0, 1) \\ \alpha_j \sim student(0, 3, 2.5) \end{align} \]

Model 2 (alternate)

\[ \begin{align} Willing_i \sim CDF(logistic(\phi_i + \alpha)) \\ \phi_i = \beta_1 * treatment_{blue_i} + \\ \beta_2 * treatment_{prime_i} + \beta_3 * \text{Party ID}_i + \\ \beta_4 * treatment_{blue_i} * treatment_{prime_i} * \text{Party ID}_i + \\ \beta_4 * gender_i + \beta_5 * education_i + \\ \beta_6 * income_i + \beta_7 * conflict_i + \beta_8 * attention_i \\ \beta_j \sim Normal(0, 1) \\ \alpha_j \sim student(0, 3, 2.5) \end{align} \]


Model 1

Figure 5: True positive rate from simulations - Model 1

Model 2

(a) \(\hat{\beta}_1\)

(b) \(\hat{\beta}_2\)

(c) \(\hat{\beta}_3\)

Figure 6: True positive rate from simulations - Model 2, Split sample

(a) \(\hat{\beta}_1\)

(b) \(\hat{\beta}_2\)

(c) \(\hat{\beta}_3\)

(d) \(\hat{\beta}_4\)

Figure 7: True positive rate from simulations - Model 2